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Diamant B

National Center of Space Research

Launch Status



  • Type: Astrophysics
  • Orbit: Polar Orbit

Satellite similar to Tournesol (detect the presence of hydrogen in several directions of the celestial sphere) but in a more polar orbit. It failed to reach orbit.


Diamant Launch Area

Guiana Space Centre, French Guiana

Diamant Launch Area has witnessed the launch of 8 rockets, including 8 orbital launch attempts, while Guiana Space Centre, French Guiana, has been the site for 322 rocket launches.

Diamant Launch Area


Société d’étude et de réalisation d’engins balistiques Diamant B

The Diamant rocket (Diamant is French for “diamond”) was the first exclusively French expendable launch system and at the same time the first satellite launcher not built by either the United States or USSR. As such, it has been referred to as being a key predecessor for all subsequent European launcher projects.

Diamant B


National Center of Space Research

The National Center of Space Research, or CNES, is a French National Agency in charge of France’s space program. In partnership with the US and Russia, they have put 10 people in space. CNES works in tandem with the larger ESA to develop the Ariane 5 and work on other probes and satellites. They are working with Germany to develop a cheaper and more efficient reusable rocket, which hopefully will be ready to fly by 2026.

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