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SpaceX Crew-9 Crew News Conference

SpaceX Crew-9 Crew News Conference

NASA will host a Crew News Conference for Crew-9.

Participants include:
– Zena Cardman, spacecraft commander, NASA
– Nick Hague, pilot, NASA
– Stephanie Wilson, mission specialist, NASA
– Alexsandr Gorbunov, mission specialist, Roscosmos

SpaceX Crew-9 Mission Overview News Conference

SpaceX Crew-9 Mission Overview News Conference

NASA will host a Mission Overview News Conference for Crew-9.

Participants include:
– Steve Stich, manager, Commercial Crew Program, NASA Johnson
– Dana Weigel, manager, International Space Station Program, NASA Johnson
– Sarah Walker, director, Dragon Mission Management, SpaceX
– Sergei Krikalev, executive director of Human Space Flight Programs, Roscosmos

Boeing Starliner CFT Undocking

The Boeing CST-100 Starliner will undock from the International Space Station and conduct a deorbit burn as part of its crewed test flight.

Following the deorbit burn the capsule will renter the Earth’s atmosphere and land at the ‘White Sands Missile Range’ using its parachutes.



NASA astronauts Tracy C. Dyson and Michael Barratt will exit the station’s Quest airlock to complete the removal of a faulty electronics box, called a radio frequency group, from a communications antenna on the starboard truss of the space station. The pair also will collect samples for analysis to understand the ability of microorganisms to survive and reproduce on the exterior of the orbiting laboratory.



NASA astronauts will remove and replace the external high-definition camera located at camera port nine on the orbiting laboratory. This camera is one of several to provide external views of the space station. Additionally, crew members will complete a cable connection fit check for the alpha magnetic spectrometer, a particle physics experiment on the station’s exterior.



NASA astronauts will remove and replace a rate gyro assembly, which provides data on the orientation of the space station. Astronauts will then attach a support bracket, called a modification kit, in preparation for future installation of the orbiting laboratory’s next International Space Station Roll-Out Solar Array on the 2A power channel on the port truss.

Boeing Starliner CFT Landing

Boeing Starliner CFT Landing

Following its deorbit burn, the Boeing CST-100 Starliner will reenter the Earth’s atmosphere and land at the White Sands Missile Range using its parachutes.

Juice Moon-Earth Flyby

Juice Moon-Earth Flyby

First flybys of ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (Juice) mission on its way to the Jovian system.

It is the first-ever lunar-Earth flyby, and the first-ever double gravity assist manoeuvre.

Boeing Starliner-1 Docking

Boeing Starliner-1 Docking

The Starliner-1 spacecraft will dock autonomously to the International Space Station, carrying four astronauts to the International Space Station.

BepiColombo Mercury Flyby

BepiColombo Mercury Flyby

Fourth of six Mercury flybys of the ESA-JAXA BepiColombo mission before entering orbit around its destination planet in 2025.

BepiColombo Mercury Flyby

BepiColombo Mercury Flyby

Fifth of six Mercury flybys of the ESA-JAXA BepiColombo mission before entering orbit around its destination planet in 2025.

Lucy Earth Flyby

Lucy Earth Flyby

Second of three Earth flybys of NASA’s Lucy mission to the Trojan asteroids.

HTV-X1 Rendezvous and Capture

HTV-X1 Rendezvous and Capture

NASA TV will live stream the rendezvous and capture of JAXA’s HTV-X1 cargo craft to the International Space Station.

SNC-1 Dream Chaser Berthing

SNC-1 Dream Chaser Berthing

NASA TV will livestream the rendezvous and capture of Sierra Nevada Corporation’s Dream Chaser cargo craft to the International Space Station.