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George Nield

George Nield

  • Status: Occasional Spaceflight
  • In Space: No
  • Date of Birth: Unknown
  • First Flight: 03/31/2022
  • Last Flight: 03/31/2022


George Nield, a American astronaut affiliated with the private agency Blue Origin, embarked on 1 space flights and engaging in 0 spacewalks during his/her career as an astronaut.

Dr. George Nield is the president of Commercial Space Technologies, LLC, which he founded to encourage, facilitate, and promote commercial space activities. He previously served as associate administrator for the Federal Aviation Administration Office of Commercial Space Transportation and was responsible for licensing and regulating all commercial launch activities. Earlier in his career, he held engineering roles at the Air Force Flight Test Center and the Orbital Sciences Corporation, and he was an assistant professor and research director at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Dr. Nield also served as the manager of the Flight Integration Office for NASA’s Space Shuttle Program.

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