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UR-500 (Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center)

  • Length: 46.28 m
  • Diameter: 4.15 m
  • Launch Mass: 595 T
  • LEO Capacity: 8400 kg

The UR-500, manufactured by Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center established in 1916, undertook its inaugural launch on 07/16/1965, is non-reusable and is inactive.

UR-500 has 3 successful launches and 1 failed attempts, with a cumulative tally of 4 launches, currently with 0 pending launches in the pipeline.

Proton is an expendable launch system used for both commercial and Russian government space launches. The first Proton rocket was launched in 1965.


Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center (KhSC)

Director: Andrey Vladimirovich Kalinovskiy

Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center is a Moscow-based producer of spacecraft and space-launch systems, including the Proton and Rokot rockets and is currently developing the Angara rocket family. The Proton launch vehicle launches from Baikonur and Rokot launches from Baikonur and Plesetsk. Angara will launch from Plesetsk and Vostochny.

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