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Long March 2D/YZ-3 – China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation

Long March 2D/YZ-3 – China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation

  • Family: Long March

The Long March 2D/YZ-3, manufactured by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation established in 1999, undertook its inaugural launch on 12/29/2018. Notably, Long March 2D/YZ-3 has 3 successful launches and 0 failed attempts, with a cumulative tally of 3 launches, currently with 0 pending launches in the pipeline.

The Long March 2D, also known as the Chang Zheng 2D, CZ-2D and LM-2D, is a Chinese orbital carrier rocket. It is a 2-stage carrier rocket mainly used for launching LEO and SSO satellites.

The YZ-3 variant includes a YZ-3 upper stage able to push satellites into higher orbits.

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