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H-I – Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

H-I – Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

  • Length: 42 m
  • Diameter: 2.44 m
  • Launch Mass: 142 T
  • Low Earth Orbit Capacity: 3200 kg

The H-I, manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries established in 1884, undertook its inaugural launch on 08/12/1986. Notably, H-I has 9 successful launches and 0 failed attempts, with a cumulative tally of 9 launches, currently with 0 pending launches in the pipeline.

The H-1 was a Japanese liquid-fuelled carrier rocket, consisting of a license-produced American First Stage and set of booster rockets and all-Japanese upper stages. It replaced the N-II and was subsequently replaced by the H-2 which has the same upper stages with a Japaense first stage.

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