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Feng Bao 1 (China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation)

  • Length: 33 m
  • Diameter: 3.35 m
  • Launch Mass: 191 T
  • LEO Capacity: 2500 kg

The Feng Bao 1, manufactured by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation established in 1999, undertook its inaugural launch on 08/10/1972, is non-reusable and is inactive.

Feng Bao 1 has 4 successful launches and 4 failed attempts, with a cumulative tally of 8 launches, currently with 0 pending launches in the pipeline.

The Feng Bao 1 was a Chinese carrier rocket launched between 1972 and 1981. It was replaced by the nearly identical Long March 2, which had been developed at the same time for political reasons related to China's Cultural Revolution.


China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)

Chairman & President: Lei Fanpei

The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) is the main contractor for the Chinese space program. It is state-owned and has a number of subordinate entities which design, develop and manufacture a range of spacecraft, launch vehicles, strategic and tactical missile systems, and ground equipment. It was officially established in July 1999 as part of a Chinese government reform drive, having previously been one part of the former China Aerospace Corporation. Various incarnations of the program date back to 1956.

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