Energiya/Buran (Energia)

- Length: 97 m
- Diameter: 17.65 m
- Launch Mass: 2629 T
- LEO Capacity: 90400 kg
- GEO Capacity: 20000 kg
The Energiya/Buran, manufactured by Energia established in 1946, undertook its inaugural launch on 11/15/1988, is reusable and is inactive.
Energiya/Buran has 1 successful launches and 0 failed attempts, with a cumulative tally of 1 launches, currently with 0 pending launches in the pipeline.
Energia (Russian: Энергия, Energiya, "Energy") (GRAU 11K25) was a Soviet rocket that was designed by NPO Energia to serve as a heavy-lift partially recoverable launch system for a variety of payloads including the Buran spacecraft.