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Mercury 15

Titan 401A Centaur

United States Air Force

Launch Status


Mercury 15

  • Type: Government/Top Secret
  • Orbit: Geostationary Orbit

The Mercury (MC) series, although known to the public as ‘Advanced Vortex’, are the latest generation of USAF ELINT/SIGINT satellites. They were focussed on communications intelligence (COMINT), focused at strategic level communications, but had the capability added to intercept also missile telemetry. These satellites were launched under the designation Program 7500 and were part of NRO’s Program A.


Space Launch Complex 41

Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA

Space Launch Complex 41 has witnessed the launch of 114 rockets, including 114 orbital launch attempts, while Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA, has been the site for 980 rocket launches.

Space Launch Complex 41


Lockheed Martin Titan 401A Centaur

Titan IV was a family of heavy-lift space launch vehicles developed by Martin Marietta and operated by the United States Air Force from 1989 to 2005.


United States Air Force

The United States Air Force (USAF) is the air service branch of the United States Armed Forces, and is one of the eight uniformed services of the United States. Originally created on 1 August 1907, as a part of the United States Army Signal Corps, the USAF was established as a separate branch of the United States Armed Forces in 1947 with the enactment of the National Security Act of 1947.

United States Air Force
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