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Soyuz TMA-16


Russian Federal Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS)

Launch Status


Maksim Surayev

Maksim Surayev

  • Birthday: 05/24/1972
  • Role: Commander
  • Nationality: Russian
  • First Flight: 09/30/2009
  • Last Flight: 05/28/2014

Maksim Viktorovich Surayev (Russian: Максим Викторович Сураев, born May 24, 1972) is a retired Russian cosmonaut and politician.
From December 1997 to November 1999, Surayev completed basic space training. In November 1999 he was qualified as a test-cosmonaut. From January 2000 he was in ISS advanced training. From March 2006 until April 2008 Surayev was assigned as a backup ISS Expedition 17 crewmember. From April 2008 until March 2009 he was a member of the ISS Expedition 19 backup crew.

Jeffrey Williams

Jeffrey Williams

  • Birthday: 01/18/1958
  • Role: Flight Engineer
  • Nationality: American
  • First Flight: 05/19/2000
  • Last Flight: 03/18/2016

Jeffrey Nels Williams is a retired United States Army officer and a NASA astronaut. He is a veteran of four space flights and formerly held the American record for most days spent in space, which was surpassed in April 2017 by his colleague Peggy Whitson.

Guy Laliberté

Guy Laliberté

  • Birthday: 09/02/1959
  • Role: Tourist
  • Nationality: Canadian
  • First Flight: 09/30/2009
  • Last Flight: 09/30/2009

Guy Laliberté. (born 2 September 1959) is a Canadian businessman, investor, poker player, and musician.

In September 2009, Guy Laliberté became the first Canadian space tourist. His spaceflight was dedicated to raising awareness on water issues facing humankind on planet Earth, making his spaceflight the first, in his words, “poetic social mission” in space.


Soyuz TMA-16

  • Type: Human Exploration
  • Orbit: Low Earth Orbit

Soyuz TMA-16 begins Expedition 21 by carrying 3 astronauts and cosmonauts to the International Space Station.
Russian Commander, cosmonaut Maksim Surayev alongside Flight Engineer, Jeffrey Williams (NASA) & spaceflight participant Guy Laliberté (Spaceflight Adventures, Canada) will launch aboard the Soyuz spacecraft from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan and then rendezvous with the station.
It landed on March 18, 2010, 11:24 UTC

Soyuz TMA-16



Baikonur Cosmodrome, Republic of Kazakhstan

1/5 has witnessed the launch of 487 rockets, including 487 orbital launch attempts, while Baikonur Cosmodrome, Republic of Kazakhstan, has been the site for 1551 rocket launches.



Progress Rocket Space Center Soyuz FG

The Soyuz FG rocket is an expendable launch vehicle most commonly known for carrying humans to the International Space Station today.

Soyuz FG


Russian Federal Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS)

The Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities, commonly known as Roscosmos, is the governmental body responsible for the space science program of the Russian Federation and general aerospace research. Soyuz has many launch locations the Russian sites are Baikonur, Plesetsk and Vostochny however Ariane also purchases the vehicle and launches it from French Guiana.

Russian Federal Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS)
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