Kosmos 2565 (Lotos-S1 #7)
Soyuz 2.1b
Russian Space Forces
Launch Status
Success Mission
Kosmos 2565 (Lotos-S1 #7)
- Type: Government/Top Secret
- Orbit: Low Earth Orbit
- Launch Cost: $80,000,000
Note: Payload identity uncertain. Multiple other military payloads that are not identified may be on board.
Lotos-S1 spacecraft is a part of the Liana constellation, designed for orbital electronic intelligence.
Russian Space Forces
The Russian Space Forces are a branch of the Russian Aerospace Forces, that provides aerospace warning, air sovereignty, and protection for Russia. Having been reestablished following August 1, 2015 merger between the Russian Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Defence Forces after a 2011 dissolving of the branch. The Russian Space Forces were originally formed on August 10, 1992 and the creation of the Russian Armed Forces.