Rokot / Briz-KM
Eurockot Launch Services
- Type: Earth Science
- Orbit: Sun-Synchronous Orbit
Sentinel-3A is the first in a pair of earth observation satellites developed by ESA to provide near real time data for the GMES Program. Sentinel-3A contains a temperature scanner, colour instrument and altimeter for monitoring the sea and land. The satellite focuses on providing accurate data about the oceans and in addition also provides information about wildfires and vegetation.
Eurockot Launch Services
Eurockot Launch Services GmbH is a commercial spacecraft launch provider and was founded in 1995. Eurockot uses an expendable launch vehicle called the Rockot to place satellites into low Earth orbit (LEO). Eurockot is jointly owned by ArianeGroup, which holds 51 percent, and by Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, which holds 49 percent. Eurockot launches from dedicated launch facilities at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northern Russia.