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Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Launch Status



  • Type: Astrophysics
  • Orbit: Low Earth Orbit

Suzaku (formerly ASTRO-EII) was an X-ray astronomy satellite developed jointly by the Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science at JAXA and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center to probe high energy X-ray sources, such as supernova explosions, black holes and galactic clusters. It was launched on 10 July 2005 aboard the M-V rocket on the M-V-6 mission. After its successful launch, the satellite was renamed Suzaku after the mythical Vermilion bird of the South


Mu Center

Uchinoura Space Center, Japan

Mu Center has witnessed the launch of 36 rockets, including 36 orbital launch attempts, while Uchinoura Space Center, Japan, has been the site for 43 rocket launches.

Mu Center


IHI Corporation M-V

The M-V rocket also called Mu-5 was a Japanese solid-fuel rocket designed to launch scientific satellites.


Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is Japan’s national aero-space agency. Through the merger of three previously independent organizations, JAXA was formed on 1 October 2003. JAXA is responsible for research, technology development and the launch of satellites into orbit, and is involved in many more advanced missions, such as asteroid exploration and possible manned exploration of the Moon. JAXA launch their Epsilon vehicle from the Uchinoura Space Center and their H-II vehicles from the Tanegashima Space Center.

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
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