Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Launch Status
Success Mission
- Type: Robotic Exploration
- Orbit: Heliocentric N/A
The primary scientific objective of Nozomi program is to study the Martian upper atmosphere with emphasis on its interaction with the solar wind.
Mu Center
Uchinoura Space Center, Japan
Mu Center has witnessed the launch of 36 rockets, including 36 orbital launch attempts, while Uchinoura Space Center, Japan, has been the site for 43 rocket launches.
IHI Corporation M-V
The M-V rocket also called Mu-5 was a Japanese solid-fuel rocket designed to launch scientific satellites.
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
ISAS is a Japanese national research organization of astrophysics using rockets, astronomical satellites and interplanetary probes which played a major role in Japan’s space development.