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Intelsat 603

Commercial Titan III

Martin Marietta

Launch Status


Intelsat 603

  • Type: Communications
  • Orbit: Geostationary Orbit

Geostationary communications satellite


Space Launch Complex 40

Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA

Space Launch Complex 40 has witnessed the launch of 266 rockets, including 266 orbital launch attempts, while Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA, has been the site for 980 rocket launches.

Space Launch Complex 40


Lockheed Martin Commercial Titan III

The Commercial Titan III, also known as CT-3 or CT-III, was an American expendable launch system, developed by Martin Marietta during the late 1980s and flown four times during the early 1990s. It was derived from the Titan 34D, and was originally proposed as a medium-lift expendable launch system for the US Air Force, who selected the Delta II instead. Development was continued as a commercial launch system, and the first rocket flew in 1990. Due to higher costs than contemporary rockets such as the Ariane 4, orders were not forthcoming, and the CT-3 was retired in 1992.

Commercial Titan III


Martin Marietta

The Martin Marietta Corporation was an American company founded in 1961 through the merger of Glenn L. Martin Company and American-Marietta Corporation. The combined company became a leader in chemicals, aerospace, and electronics. In 1995, it merged with Lockheed Corporation to form Lockheed Martin.

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