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Golden Bauhinia 1-03 & others


Galactic Energy

Launch Status


Golden Bauhinia 1-03 & others

  • Type: Dedicated Rideshare
  • Orbit: Low Earth Orbit

This mission carried five commercial small satellites into orbit. These include: a remote sensing satellite Tianjin University-1, two remote sensing satellites for Golden Bauhinia 1 (also known as Jinzijing 1) constellation; and experimental satellites Lize-1 and Baoyun.


Launch Area 95A

Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, People’s Republic of China

Launch Area 95A has witnessed the launch of 55 rockets, including 55 orbital launch attempts, while Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, People’s Republic of China, has been the site for 232 rocket launches.

Launch Area 95A


Galactic Energy Ceres-1

Ceres-1 is the first solid propellant launch vehicle of Galactic Energy.



Galactic Energy

Galactic Energy is a private aerospace company headquartered in Beijing, China. Established by senior engineers in 2018, Galactic Energy engages in low-cost commercial space launch business.

Galactic Energy
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Ken & Judy O
Ken & Judy O'Neill
3 years ago

Good luck to the GE space team on thier second launch .

Ken & Judy O
Ken & Judy O'Neill
3 years ago

Well done GE the sky is the limit for you now.
Would have been good to have web cast to see the launch maybe next time. ?