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MSL (Curiosity)

Atlas V 541

United Launch Alliance

Launch Status


MSL (Curiosity)

  • Type: Robotic Exploration
  • Orbit: Mars Orbit
  • Launch Cost: $145,000,000

The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission, featuring the renowned Curiosity rover, was designed to assess the planet’s past and present habitability. Equipped with an array of advanced scientific instruments, including a drill and a sample analysis unit, Curiosity explored the Gale Crater, a site believed to contain evidence of ancient Martian environments. It delivered groundbreaking discoveries, including the detection of organic molecules and the confirmation of an ancient, potentially habitable lake bed.


Space Launch Complex 41

Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA

Space Launch Complex 41 has witnessed the launch of 114 rockets, including 114 orbital launch attempts, while Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA, has been the site for 980 rocket launches.

Space Launch Complex 41


United Launch Alliance Atlas V 541

Atlas V with 5m Fairing, 4 SRB, 1 Centaur upper stage engine.

Atlas V 541


United Launch Alliance

United Launch Alliance (ULA) is a joint venture of Lockheed Martin Space Systems and Boeing Defense, Space & Security. ULA was formed in December 2006 by combining the teams at these companies which provide spacecraft launch services to the government of the United States. ULA launches from both coasts of the US. They launch their Atlas V vehicle from LC-41 in Cape Canaveral and LC-3E at Vandeberg. Their Delta IV launches from LC-37 at Cape Canaveral and LC-6 at Vandenberg.

United Launch Alliance
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