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Athena I

Lockheed Martin

Launch Status



  • Type: Earth Science
  • Orbit: Low Earth Orbit

The mission objective of ROCSAT-1 (Republic of China Satellite 1) is to develop, launch, and operate a low earth orbit satellite, and to conduct three scientific and technology experiments in the areas of ocean color imaging, space telecommunication, and solar-terrestrial physics.


Space Launch Complex 46

Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA

Space Launch Complex 46 has witnessed the launch of 6 rockets, including 5 orbital launch attempts, while Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA, has been the site for 980 rocket launches.

Space Launch Complex 46


Lockheed Martin Athena I

The Athena I, known as the Lockheed Launch Vehicle (LLV) at the time of its first flight and Lockheed Martin Launch Vehicle (LMLV) at the time of its second flight, is an American small expendable launch system which was used for four launches between 1995 and 2001. It is a member of the Athena family of rockets, along with the larger Athena II.

Athena I


Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin’s Space Division started in the production of missiles and later ICBM’s in the 1950s. Their TITAN missile system was used for 12 Gemini spacecraft and the Voyager probes. They have worked largely in collaboration with NASA on many of their probes, landers, and spacecraft, and hope to play a key role in NASA’s return to the moon in 2024.

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