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Maiden Flight

Astra Rocket 3.1

Astra Space

Launch Status

Weather Forecast During Launch

According to weather officials, there’s a 30% chance of favorable weather conditions at the time of the launch.


Maiden Flight

  • Type: Test Flight
  • Orbit: Low Earth Orbit
  • Launch Cost: $2,500,000

This is the first orbital attempt of Astra Space small satellite launch vehicle. Rocket carries no payload for this flight.


Launch Pad 3B

Pacific Spaceport Complex, Alaska, USA

Launch Pad 3B has witnessed the launch of 5 rockets, including 5 orbital launch attempts, while Pacific Spaceport Complex, Alaska, USA, has been the site for 9 rocket launches.

Launch Pad 3B


Astra Space Astra Rocket 3

Astra Rocket 3.0 is the third version and first orbital version of Astra Space’s small satellite launch vehicle. It is designed to carry 100kg in LEO.

Astra Rocket 3


Astra Space

Astra Space is a launch vehicle company based in San Francisco, California, that develops pump-fed, liquid bipropellant propulsion engines for DARPA and NASA as well as their Astra Rocket launch vehicle.

Astra Space
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