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Société d’étude et de réalisation d’engins balistiques –

  • Country: FRA

Société d’étude et de réalisation d’engins balistiques is a Commercial space agency that was established in 1959. Société d’étude et de réalisation d’engins balistiques has 0 successful launches and 0 failed attempts, with a cumulative tally of 0 launches, currently with 0 pending launches in the pipeline. Société d’étude et de réalisation d’engins balistiques has a tally of 0 attempted booster landings, of which 0 failed and 0 successful booster landings recorded.

Société d’étude et de réalisation d’engins balistiques or SÉREB was a French aviation company. It was created initially to develop two-stage ballistic missiles for nuclear weapons (Force de dissuasion nucléaire française). CNES was formed in 1961, which took over much development of civilian research.

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