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CAS Space (CAS)

CAS Space

CAS Space is a Commercial space agency led by unknown that was established in 2018 and operates in China. CAS Space has 5 successful launches and 1 failed attempts, with a cumulative tally of 6 launches, currently with 0 pending launches in the pipeline. CAS Space has a tally of 0 attempted booster landings, of which 0 failed and 0 successful booster landings recorded.

CAS Space is a spin-off company from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) that is operating and plans to operate various launch vehicles of the Zhongke series.


Kinetica 1

Kinetica 1 (also known as Lijian-1, Chinese: 力箭一号) is a Chinese solid-propellant light launch vehicle. It is capable of placing about 2 tons into low earth orbit and 1.5 tons into sun-synchronous orbit. It is developed by CAS Space, a subsidiary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Kinetica 1 is a light launcher whose first stage seems to be derived from the DF-31 long-range intercontinental ballistic missile. It is 30 m high and has a diameter of 2.65 m, with a liftoff mass of 135 t. It's the largest Chinese solid propellant launcher to date, with four stages with a thrust of 200, 100, 50 and 10 tons respectively. The fairing has a diameter of 3.35 meters.

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